
Yesterday morning I work up to the sweet sound of thunder. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I was. Sad isn't it? I have always loved a good storm. I am the only girl I know who wanted rain on my wedding day. Well, technically I wanted a good storm (I got it too)! Back in good old NWI it is a normal thing, thunder that is. I loved seeing the lightning off in the distance,the dark clouds rolling in, feeling the wind kick up and the temperature drop. It has been a long time since I have had that experience. Its one of the things I miss about NWI

We don't get thunder storms here often in Rhode Island and when we do it's more like the rolling thunder and not the loud crash that makes you jump. Our rain mostly comes straight down in a gentle way. Once in awhile the wind blows but not in a tree and power lines falling down way. It is an odd thing to miss I know but I do.

I also miss corn fields. My friends in Indiana must think I am crazy but, I do. We do have corn here in Rhode Island but last summer I only saw it in one place and it was more like a cluster not a field. It just does not feel like summer without driving down 165 with the windows down and corn fields to your left and right. To those of you who have never been to NWI I am sure I have painted a picture in your head of it being nothing but farm fields but I swear it really is not like that! Look:|&N

Today I was driving along and Mellencamp's Small Town came on. It really is weird to listen to that song while driving in Providence. You don't get the same feeling singing along like you do anywhere in NWI.

I do really love it here, and if I had to move away, there are lots of things I would miss about Providence and R.I. too but, the past few days have made me think of these silly things I miss about NWI.


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