Settling In

We are almost settled in! Everything has been unpack for a few weeks now. I have just been organizing and putting things up on the walls. All thats left is the guest room and our bedroom.

Speaking of our bedroom I have no idea what happened to our mattress between Indiana and Rhode Island but it is a mess. It is now lumpy and the springs dig in your back :-(  We decided, instead of taking a small trip for our anniversary this year, our "gift" to each other would be a new mattress! We also decided to go with a king size as our bed is a bit to small for us and Tyson and the occasional cat :-)

The "kids" seem to have settled in fine. We have a big tree with lots of birds on one side of the house and the cats love laying in the windows and watching the birds. Tyson just seems to be happy to have the whole family together again. The yard here is a bit smaller then our yard in Hobart  but it does not have as much stuff (garden, shrubs ect) so he has more room to run.

 Blue Kitty enjoying the sunny window

With the help of Google and a wonderful new FB friend Paula who lives here in R.I. we have found many things to do and see. So much in fact, I have decided to start another one of my infamous binders to keep track of all the stuff to do and see! We will never have an excuse to be bored!

Wednesday we get our new plates. I am excited about that as I will be able to drive and explore more. I had so much to deal with in Indiana with remodeling the house, trying to sell it and helping out with an ill family member and I forgot to get my plates renewed :-(  So I have not driven here except to the store and back. I am hoping it goes okay as we have been warned that getting plates here in R.I. is an all day thing and that it is a pain in the butt!

I have also decided to start a new blog about my cooking,crafting adventures. I'll post the link here when I get it up and running.


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