One Year Later

I have now been living in Rhode Island for over a year. I was really afraid I was not going to like it. I loved the small town life of my hometown and, although I enjoyed visiting Chicago, I did not want to live the big city life. I was sure I was not going to like living in Providence, but I told myself to suck it up stay busy and the year would fly by and we could move out of the city. A few weeks ago we resigned our lease for another year, and I am very happy about it. To be honest I am having a hard time deciding if we should by a house out of the city or not now.

Providence is a beautiful city. I love the old buildings and the history. It is known as the creative capital and I think they live up to that name. There is always an art show, concert, play or musical going on somewhere. Yes, I know that happens it all big cities but it is different here. I love the convenience of living in the city.  I love that we do our runs on the East Bay bike path and can enjoy the cool breeze and the ocean view. It is usually during my run that I think to myself "Wow, I live here." Of course there are many other great places to live in Rhode Island. The seaside towns like Bristol, or the rolling New England farm communities like Foster. It's going to be hard to decide were to buy a house.

I have also learned to speak "Rhode Island". I know that pop is soda, a shopping cart is a carriage, a rubber band is an elastic. I know what a bubblah is :-) I no longer think the traffic guy is drunk or high when he states traffic is backed up to the big blue bug! I don't think it's rude when ordering delivery they ask if it's a single family household. I love awful awfuls and I know not to ask for a spoon with my Del's frozen lemonade. I have learned to check the weather report more often because it is alway changing. I know how to prepare for a hurricane. I have a regular place to go for lobster and I now know how to clean and cook shellfish. :-)

Even with all the new things I have experienced there is still a lot left to do and try. I have not eaten from a food truck yet. I have not tried coffee milk. I have yet to eat jonnycakes, chowder or dough boys. I have not visited Block Island or gone swimming at the beach. I am sure there are still a tom of other things I have not done yet, but this is my list for now.

Here's to another great year in Rhode Island!


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