Home is where the Mat is...

I have not been able to keep up with my blog because I had no Internet. Long story short Frontier sucks! Moving on...

I am now living in Rhode Island! We drove straight through from Indiana. The only stops we took was for us or Tyson to use the bathroom. We got here about 1 a.m. and crashed on the couch. The movers showed up the next day at 7:30 a.m. (6 Indiana time).

I LOVE the house!! I like it much better then my house in Indiana! Its very us and the perfect size. Heck the rooms are even the right colors (except the craft room but that no biggie).  Once I get everything unpacked and decorated I will post pics!

Tyson and the cats seem to be adjusting. Tyson spent about a half hour exploring the backyard today by himself. That's a huge deal as he is a "Velcro" dog and usually wants to be with his people. Tyra loves the sink in the bathroom. Its the perfect size for her to sleep in.

I did have a small "meltdown" in the grocery store. Mat and I were shopping and I was just so unfamiliar with everything: brands, where things are, peoples accents. Somewhere in the bread isle I got home sick. I missed the familiarity that I had in Indiana. It's to be expected though.

My plan for the week is to unpack the house. My goal was to have it all done by Friday but today and tomorrow are going to be crazy hot. I did not get much done today and to be honest I don't plan on doing anything tomorrow. Well except find a Del's and try some of the frozen lemonade the locals keep talking about!


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