The Hoosiers are coming!

Last week I flew out to see Mathew and my new "home" New England. Let me tell you it was really weird to walk into his apartment. It's just weird having him in another state living without me :-( . Providence is really neat. Its a big city but very colonel. The houses all have placks on them they say when they were built and who they where built for. I saw nothing newer then like 1850. The side walks are very old and brick. The cars seemed so out of place to me. I wanted to run down the street yelling "The British are coming" lol.

I also got to visit Mat's office and coworkers. They are all super nice and seem like great people. Right now they are in a temp office but I got to go up to the top floor and see the area that will be their office. Its very cool. Its the top floor and it over looks the city. Mat's office will have a wall of windows and a view of the canal and the park. It was very impressive.

However to days into the visit I started to get worried. All I had seen was Providence and ,although it is really cool, I am not a big city living type girl. I need grass. My cattle dog needs grass and enough to run and play. Thankfully Mat decided to take me on a drive outside the city and I felt much better. It is so pretty rolling hills, stone, the ocean.... I am ready to move to my new home!

View from what will be Mat's office


Paula March 26, 2011 at 7:44 PM  

What city did you find to be more to your liking?

S.A.M. March 26, 2011 at 8:05 PM  

and it WILL be an adventure! You always have "home" in Indiana, too -- any time you need to get to your Hoosier roots, just come on over!

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