Leaving on a jet plane...

In five days I will get to visit Mat and see New England (my soon to be home). I am excited to see Mat but kind of scared to visit New England. What if I don't like it? People who have been there tell me I will. I hope so. I have lived here, pretty much in the same neighborhood, my whole life. Funny growing up I hated it here and could not wait to get out of this town. Now I am grown up and love the small town feel, the lake, ect. I am ready for something new though... I am sure I will feel better about all this after my visit.


S.A.M. March 11, 2011 at 10:52 PM  

you will LOVE it -- and especially because you and Mat are building onto your life there! In this day and age, you're never far from anywhere! You'll always be in my ♥ as 2 of my favorite "babies" -- I've BEEN to Rhode Island -- and liked it very much!

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