
I signed the lease today. If all goes right Mat will get the keys to our new place June 1st. I called the moving company today and they will be packing up the house on the 31st and loading and leaving here June 1st.  Our stuff will be delivered the 7th. Thankfully Mat will have moved his stuff in. He has some of our towels, dishes etc so we wont be without while we are waiting.

Mat will move his stuff in June 1st and then fly here on the 2nd or 3rd and we will drive us and the kids to our new place. Its a 16 hour drive and our goal is to do it in one day so we don't have to deal with the cats and dog in a hotel room.

We still have several thing that need to be done before the sale of the house can go through. Please pray that these things will not cost us much to take care of.


S.A.M. May 3, 2011 at 8:20 PM  

I'm so happy for you both and so sad for us.

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